Tax deductible donations

We are a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO registration number 930062037). This means that we may provide Section 18A receipts for your donations so that you can claim some tax back on your kind donations.

We will not issue these automatically – you will need to let us know if you need one, and we will require some information from you (this is mandatory and required by the South African Revenue Service (SARS), see below).

If you require a S18A Receipt for a donation, please email us at 

SARS requires the following to allow us to issue S18A certificates:

  1. Proof of payment of the donation OR proof of donation of an item/services (a receipt can only be issued after receiving a donation and not prior to)
  2. Name of donor
  3. Physical address of donor
  4. Contact details of donor
  5. Amount of donation
  6. Nature of donation:
    OTHER (Value, description and details of how value was determined)
  7. Date of donation

THANK YOU to all those who donate to support us.

Information about Section 18A Receipts

Please read the information below for more information regarding Section 18A receipts.

What is a Section 18A Receipt/ Certificate?

A section 18A receipt, also known as a tax-deductible receipt, is a specific receipt that is issued by a Section 18A-approved organisation to a donor which entitles the donor to a deduction from the donor’s taxable income.

A Section 18A receipt allows a taxpayer, who has made a bona fide donation to a PBO or certain other institutions, to claim a tax deduction subject to a limit. To claim a tax deduction, you must be a taxpayer registered with SARS and be in possession of a section 18A certificate, which is issued by the recipient PBO for activities listed in the ninth schedule and approved to issue section 18A certificates by the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

What is a bona fide donation?

A donation that is made for altruistic purposes and does not come with any conditions or services. It should be a gratuitous deposit and not payment for the supply of goods or service. As a result, a tax invoice will not be issued.

The section 18A certificate may only be issued in respect of donations received in cash or kind (other than services). A misconception is that if the donation consists of free services rendered to the PBO, the PBO must also issue a section 18(A) certificate to the provider of the service. This is not the case and not allowed by SARS.

What’s the purpose of Section 18A receipts?

A Section 18A receipt can only be provided by PBOs approved by SARS. This allows tax payers within South Africa and who pay tax to SARS to reduce some of their tax in exchange of donating funds to PBOs who provide certain services to the benefit of South Africa. This benefit is given by SARS in recognition that these PBOs are providing important and critical services that would otherwise have to be provided and funded by government. By providing a tax deductible donation process, SARS are helping PBOs to utilise this funding avenue and obtain funds for the work they do.

What does this mean for foreigners donating/ international donations coming from overseas?

SARS is the authority body in terms of Section 18A receipts. Therefore this is only applicable to any company, trust, or individual that is a taxpayer to SARS. If you are not registered with nor pay tax to SARS then a Section 18A is not applicable to you. It is not a receipt that can be used in another country with another countries tax authority. Therefore any donations coming from abroad are irrelevant for Section 18A tax deductible purposes.

Who constitutes as a taxpayer?

A taxpayer, may include an individual, trust or company that is registered with the South African Revenue Service in South Africa and who completes an annual income tax return and pays tax on their annual income.

Who provides the tax receipt?

A section 18A receipt (see 11) must be issued by a section 18A-approved organisation in the year of assessment in which the donation is received. SARS does not issue Section 18A receipts. The taxpayer in the income tax return then claims the deduction of donations made directly to a section 18A-approved organisation for which it has issued a section 18A receipt.

Ways you can support us

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First National Bank Account:
Save the Waterberg Rhino
Account No. 62611538341
Branch: Vaalwater 258626
Branch address: Shop 20, Oasis
Shopping Centre, Mogol
Nelson Mandela Drive
Reference: Surname

Please email us so we can check the bank and provide confirmation.

Tax deductible donations:
We are a registered
PBO #930062037

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Your donation helps my future ... Thank You !!

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