what you can do

Extinction is forever – what you can do

Ecologists estimate that the African white and/ or black rhinos might go extinct in ten years if the rate poaching does not slow down. While the African black rhino and the Indian rhino numbers are stable, at 5600 and 3700 respectively, the Sumatran rhino is extinct in Malaysia, only occurs in Indonesia now and numbers less than 80 individuals. The Javan rhino has is even closer to extinction with less than 60 individuals and only occurs in Ujung Kulon National Park in Indonesia. However the rhino that has been hit the hardest with poaching is the white rhino – this has been because the white rhino had made a amazing species recovery from the 1970s and 80s poaching and had increased its population to over 21,000 individuals. This species is also easily found in its habitat as it spends its time in open grassy areas, which is why the majority of the killed rhinos have been white rhino.

rhinos need your help

While there are many people involved in trying to save rhino, rhinos need more help. They will only avoid extinction if as many people as possible get involved.

So how can you help

Keep informed.
Visit our website,
subscribe to our
newsletter online and
join our Facebook
page for updates.

Every little bit makes a
Or get family and friends
to pledge donation
birthday gifts.

Add your voice.
Keep informing others
of the rhino poaching
crisis and see how you
can spread the word.

Arrange a fundraising and awareness event
at your work or school.

Do a school project –
to learn more about
rhino and spread awareness.

Purchase Save the Waterberg Rhino merchandise online. All proceeds go to STWR to help protect rhino.

Do a fundraising campaign and help raise funds for STWR to protect rhino. 

Become a patron supporter through Patreon

South African
and individuals
can make
tax deductible

Celebrate World
Rhino Day and help
raise funds
Contact us for ideas

join the fight

Examples of past fundraising events

Golf event by Northern
Nomads raised
> R300 000

Hannah and Jasmine
Johnston raised
more than R30 000
selling bracelets

Pajama Protests
donated £1,50
for every set

Meg John raised
£615 by arranging a
school fundraising
and awareness event

Evening dinner
event by the
Waterberg Trust
raised £10,000

Gail Ruskin and friends raised R11,000 at dinner events and from birthday donations instead of gifts

Tuc-tuc ride
through India
raised funds
for STWR

Riding for the
horn cycle
South Africa
raising funds

Contact us for information or
to get involved